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Title: Travel Report 5 on India finally live
Date: 2008-10-04
From: Livingstone Zambia
Finally we have posted our 5th travel report on India. After lots of bad luck on computers we are finally up and running with regard to our website. And running we have to do, because we are a lot behind. Anyway, read on on Jaipur, Jodhpur and Udaipur, and about a special time we had in Pushkar. Click here to read this last report!

We werken hard aan updates op de site! We lopen flink achter na alle problemen die we hebben gehad met gecrashte harddrives. En geloof me, Zambia is niet het land om met een kapotte harddrive te zitten! Anyway, alles is weer (redelijk) gemaakt dus we gaan weer aan de slag. Binnenkort meer!

© Allaroundtheworld 2008